Friday, October 26, 2012

Skyrim - To Sovngarde

As some of you may know, I'm a huge Skyrim fan, and I've been playing in my spare time lately. I got off of work and when I got home I started playing. (Keep in mind there are possible spoilers for those who haven't beaten the game yet!)

My current character is a Bosmer named Tsura. She specializes in a little bit of everything. Two adopted children, resides in Heljarchen Hall in the Pale, and usually keeps Bran the armored Husky around. I'm in the final act, finally (I decided I might actually try to finish the game for once instead of endlessly exploring all the corners of the vast world). So I'd just flown on Odahviing to Skuldafn, leaving my husband Farkas, and my gallant steed Frost behind. I began heading up the path in the direction I figured was the right way.

A couple Draugr came out and a dragon swooped down at the same time so I was instantly in "what the fuck" fight mode. My heath got low and I hurried to open my item menu and use a potion. I started sifting through all of my Cure Disease and Frost Damage Reduction potions to find a Healing potion. Then I discovered that I'd used all of my other Healing potions during my last battle. I was still being attacked at the time, so as soon as I left the menu I knew I'd be near death. I mustered up my gut and took a chance. 

I un-paused the menu and took off running. Well that didn't help much because I'd been slowed down and they proceeded to attack me, but it gave me enough time to pull out my Fast Healing spell. I fell through some brush and had no idea where I was going and ended up in the bottom of a lake. What. Okay, then I swam up to the top because I forgot I wasn't wearing a water tunic (hyuck). 

I came to the surface and poked my head out like a crocodile to see a Draugr waiting for me to come back. "HAHA YOU CAN'T SWIM!" I burst. 

My life refilled a little less than half way and I swam forward to the bank to attack him. He eventually bludgeoned me enough to induce another retreat. I turned to look this time and he was walking along the floor of the lake swinging his battle axe. What the fuck is this? What. I said, "I hope you drown!" Then I screamed and swam away. I eventually got far enough away that he gave up and ran back to the top of the hill where I fell in. My life refilled at this point and I ran up the hill only to encounter two instead of one. I killed them and proceeded up the hill. Well shit. I forgot about the dragon. The son of a bitch had been sitting up there waiting on me THE WHOLE TIME. He blew fire in my face and I stood there scorched for a moment. After that I killed him easily, (le neck snap). 

I proceeded up the hill only to encounter another. Lo and behold I remembered I have the Dragonblade which does 20 more damage to dragons. DIOS ME! I equipped it and stabbed him repeatedly until he had barely any life left.

All of a sudden he started to say something. Some Dovah nonsense gibberish. I killed him before he got to the part that normal people can understand. Then I went total bro on the situation, "WHAT WAS THAT I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER MY FLAWLESS VICTORY." 

After all that business I went through, fought some folks and ended up in Sovngarde. I saw some old friends that had died in the battlefield, including Kodlak Whitemane. (My creys). I proceeded through the quest and defeated Alduin without much of a problem (Tsun, the guy guarding the Whalebone Bridge was more of a challenge). After all was said and done, I was shouted back to the Throat of the World.

I spoke to Paarthurnax and Odahviing. Finally the two of them flew away and I was left alone. I climbed to the tall peak next to the archway and looked up at the Aurora Borealis. I sped up time to the morning to watch the sunrise, and as I climbed down I saw my husband Farkas running towards me. I spoke to him and if you're familiar with Skyrim you know the NPCs have typical automatic responses that they say when you speak to them. The first and only thing he said was, "I'm still here." 

MY FEELS. I just. It was beautiful. This ladies and gentlemen, is why I love Skyrim. I'll leave you with this and these feels. Look for new posts about Skyrim later, adventures from both Tsura, and the new character I'll be starting soon!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unpredictability of Ohio Weather

I live in Ohio, so its obviously started to get cold, I'd say down to the 30's at night. I woke up early one morning when I had to leave for a doctors appointment and I figured that it would still be cold from the night before, so I layered up. 

I prepared for the worst as I walked out the door of my apartment complex. 

To my surprise, I had not exactly prepared for the worst, because the worst was the fact that it felt like it was 100 degrees outside in the safety of my sweater and coat barricade that I had half suffocated myself in. The blistering sun was a fearsome foe, and it caught me off guard. I was hit with an extendy fist of  H E A T. 

I rushed to my vehicle to escape the fisty waves of heat being expelled by the sun and removed my layers. I peered out of my window at the giant yellow beast and whispered, "You have won this battle, but I will triumph next time because I have an iPhone, okay? I can predict your schemes before you even commit them!" I proceeded to laugh hysterically to myself half naked inside my car with my iPhone out the window. And you know, that felt good. After I calmed down, I proceeded to the Doctors office. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Brief Yet Triumphant Introduction

Alright folks, I've decided to take up the hobby of blogging experiences and recording them in a humorous manner, when most likely they will be rather uncomfortable for me. But for now, here is a brief introduction:

I'm 20, I live in Dayton, Ohio, and I'm currently attending college for fine art, but plan to transfer to Game Design relatively soon. I work at GameStop (a lot of my stories will probably stem from work experiences, I apologize beforehand). 

I really like cats, and have a wonderful kitten by the name of Godzilla. She is living with my brother now because I'm living in an apartment with my best friend, Corinne, and I can't afford to keep her. She used to be quite fit when she lived with me, but unfortunately my brother repeatedly refills the bowl so that it's almost never empty. She has a hip problem and already walks like an inebriated seal, so the added weight isn't exactly the best thing for her. But alas, she will be mine again someday! AND SHE WILL BE FIT! 

I've gotten a little off topic, but there's not much more to say. I have a fantastical boyfriend of a little over two years. I really like kittens, Pokemon, polka-dots, and bears. I'm often referred to as Goldylocks for my luscious blonde curls. Anywho, here goes nothing. Keep on truckin'~