Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Brief Yet Triumphant Introduction

Alright folks, I've decided to take up the hobby of blogging experiences and recording them in a humorous manner, when most likely they will be rather uncomfortable for me. But for now, here is a brief introduction:

I'm 20, I live in Dayton, Ohio, and I'm currently attending college for fine art, but plan to transfer to Game Design relatively soon. I work at GameStop (a lot of my stories will probably stem from work experiences, I apologize beforehand). 

I really like cats, and have a wonderful kitten by the name of Godzilla. She is living with my brother now because I'm living in an apartment with my best friend, Corinne, and I can't afford to keep her. She used to be quite fit when she lived with me, but unfortunately my brother repeatedly refills the bowl so that it's almost never empty. She has a hip problem and already walks like an inebriated seal, so the added weight isn't exactly the best thing for her. But alas, she will be mine again someday! AND SHE WILL BE FIT! 

I've gotten a little off topic, but there's not much more to say. I have a fantastical boyfriend of a little over two years. I really like kittens, Pokemon, polka-dots, and bears. I'm often referred to as Goldylocks for my luscious blonde curls. Anywho, here goes nothing. Keep on truckin'~

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